Change is the one true constant. Be ready with Axway B2B Integration.

Your B2B infrastructure needs to be more resilient than ever to handle market disruption and emerging technologies like EDI + API convergence, SaaS, AI, and cloud. Axway can help.

Change is the one true constant. Be ready with Axway B2B Integration.

Everyone has transactions. We handle over 1 million every day.

Use what you have to build what you need. In the cloud, on-prem, or both.

Amplify API Management Platform

A visionary platform for securing, governing, and monetizing APIs at scale

B2B Integration

Powering the transactional lifeblood of the world's largest trading ecosystems

Managed File Transfer

The industry standard for secure, reliable, and efficient file data integration

Financial Accounting Hub

Data consistency, agility, and auditability for faster and secure Finance ERP transformations

Specialized Products

Enhancing digital processes with security, automation, and real-time intelligence

Complete product line

Our core line of enterprise integration products meets the full scope of digital business challenges

For APIM, MFT, B2B, Marketplace and Financial Data APIs

For APIM, Marketplace and Financial Data APIs


For B2B

For B2B

Supporting retail activities with a modern B2B integration approach

"B2Bi is critical for the Co-op, especially in its retail organization. If B2Bi went down or we turned it off tomorrow, we would have no business, it’s as simple as that.

-Dave Barnett, Principal Solutions Architect – Integration, Co-op

Axway is in your industry


Banking and Financial Services

Gain the advantages of open banking with an API-first approach that unleashes the value of your digital ecosystem to create new services and expand markets


Reach further into the healthcare ecosystem and improve patient engagement with an API management platform that meets all critical healthcare standards and regulations


Manage and safeguard public data across the government agency ecosystem on-premises or in any cloud environment with an open API management platform and API-powered B2B/EDI and MFT
